Fünf UN-Sonderberichterstatter für Menschenrechte kritisierten Bundestagsbeschluss gegen BDS-Bewegung

Sie verwiesen auf die Verpflichtungen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland aus dem Internationalen Pakt über bürgerliche und politische Rechte.

Hier ist ein Link zu diesem Schreiben vom 18.10.2019 an den damaligen Bundesaußenminister Heiko Maas. 

Es heißt darin:

"We wish to express our concern that the motion sets a worrying trend of unduly limiting the rights to freedom of opinion and expression, peaceful assembly and of association in its call for governmental bodies, as well as German states, cities and municipalities and other public actors, to refuse financial support, premises or facilities to projects or events organised by the BDS movement or by groups pursuing its aims. Accordingly, the motion unduly interferes with the right of people in Germany to engage in political speech, namely, to express support for the BDS movement.

We further express our concern that the motion may hinder the peaceful activities of human rights defenders, groups and organisations denouncing human rights violations as part of the BDS movement by shrinking the civic space available to them to express legitimate grievances."


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