Vereinte Nationen, Sicherheitsrat, Resolution S/RES/2735 (2024) vom 10.6.2024 zu einem von den USA präsentierten Friedensplan für Gaza, dem Israel bereits zugestimmt haben soll

Hier ist der Text der Resolution

Die Resolution wurde mit 14 Stimmen angenommen. Die Russische Föderation enthielt sich und gab hierzu im Sicherheitsrat die folgende Erklärung ab:

The representative of the Russian Federation said that from the very outset of the military escalation, Moscow has advocated for a permanent ceasefire. On the adopted resolution, he said that “its sponsors did not keep the Council in the loop of the agreement’s details”. Noting that “there was no negotiation process”, he also pointed out that — even though Hamas is called upon to accept this so-called deal — there is no clarity regarding official agreement from Israel. In this regard, he recalled numerous statements by Israel that “it will continue in its war until Hamas is defeated”. The Council should not sign up to agreements with vague parameters and without a clear understanding of the parties’ position, he asserted. Also, the adoption of yet another document — the content of which raises questions — undermines the Council’s authority as the main body for the maintenance of international peace and security. “We do not wish to block the resolution as the Arab world supports it,” he said. However, the questions raised by Moscow require a response.


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