2030 Roadmap for UK-Israel bilateral relations

Das Abkommen enthält auch einen Passus zu "Antisemitism, delegitimisation, and anti-Israel bias".

Hier ist ein Link zu dieser Vereinbarung vom 21.3.2023.

Die Kooperation umfasst danach u.a.: 
"Tackling the disproportionate focus on Israel in the UN and other international bodies, including attempts to delegitimise it or deny its right to self-defence. All states have a duty to comply with their obligations under international law, but scrutiny must be measured, impartial and proportionate. The UK and Israel will work together to tackle the singling out of Israel in the Human Rights Council as well as in other international bodies. In this context, the UK and Israel disagree with the use of the term ‘apartheid’ with regard to Israel."

Zu dem Ersuchen der UN-Generalversammlung um ein Gutachten des Internationalen Gerichtshofs zu den rechtlichen Konsequenzen aus der Politik und den Praktiken Israels in den besetzten palästinensischen Gebieten einschließlich Ost-Jerusalem heißt es in dem Abkommen:
"The UK and Israel believe that the latest ICJ referral on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict represents an inappropriate recourse to the Advisory Opinion mechanism as this undermines the efforts to achieve a settlement through direct negotiations between the parties, which remains the only viable path to a lasting peace."

Ein Passus befasst sich mit der International Holocaust Remembrance Association (IHRA). Darin wird vereinbart:
"Israel and the UK will also continue to encourage the adoption of the alliance’s working definition of antisemitism as well as the definition on Holocaust denial and distortion."

In Bezug auf BDS verspricht das Vereinigte Königreich:
"The UK reaffirms its objection to Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions campaigns. Such campaigns are at variance with UK government policy, and not only unfairly single out Israel and undermine efforts to advance Israeli-Palestinian dialogue and reconciliation, but can contribute to the deplorable rise of antisemitism in the UK. The UK is committed to ending any such campaigns by public bodies, including through legislation."


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