Bericht über den offiziellen Besuch des Büros der UN-Sonderbeauftragten für sexuelle Gewalt in Konflikten in Israel und dem besetzten Westjordanland vom 29.1.-14.2.2024

Hier ist ein Link zu dem Bericht, der dem UN-Generalsekretär von der Sonderbeauftragten Pramila Patten vorgelegt worden ist.  Es heißt darin:

"12. Based on the information gathered by the mission team from multiple and independent sources, there are reasonable grounds to believe that conflict-related sexual violence occurred during the 7 October attacks in multiple locations across Gaza periphery, including rape and gang rape, in at least three locations. Across the various locations of the 7 October attacks, the mission team found that several fully naked or partially naked bodies from the waist down were recovered – mostly women – with hands tied and shot multiple times, often in the head. Although circumstantial, such a pattern of undressing and restraining of victims may be indicative of some forms of sexual violence."

Zur Frage der Zurechnung führt der Bericht aus:

"78. Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups, including but not limited to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Popular Resistance Committees, have claimed responsibility for the attacks of 7 October 2023. In its report “Our Narrative: Operation Al-Aqsa Flood”, Hamas has however denied claims of harm against civilians, including the commission of rape. Given the mission was not investigative, it did not gather information and/or draw conclusions on attribution of alleged violations to specific armed groups. Such attribution would require a fully-fledged investigative process."

Der Bericht enthält auch Informationen zu sexueller Gewalt gegen Geiseln und palästinensische Gefangene.


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